Monday, October 10, 2005


Sometimes i wonder why i even bother living. HAH. SHUT UP FIONA.

i'm blogging from Cyn's place. HOLLABACK WOMAN! YOU SEE ME?
Oh shut up fiona, obviously she cant. She's strumming her guitar studying her ass out with Jill.

Today marks the official end of the N Levels for me. The next time i have to go to school officially is to get my results. -sigh- Now the waiting begins.
Got my hair done at the salon. No pictures for now because Cyn's comp doesnt support my MMC. I got to the salon by 1pm and i saw this indian girl with furreaking long hair. The hairdresser was doing rebonding for her. Its not like her hair was more or less straight, her hair was freaking curly. I was seriously amazed at how the hairdresser could tahan pulling her hair for so long, because her hair was all the way to her ass. Geez, get a haircut girl!

I started my highlights and then to the base. It was only at 230pm that Sher finally arrived at the salon. Her DIY dye-ing job was HORRIBLE! She looked like some ah lian wannabe. So she had to get her hair coloured over again. Waste of money i tell you.

So i got my hair dried and i looked up for the first time to check my hair out. I freaked because i saw a CHAO AH LIAN with my face staring at me in the mirror! I was mortified, but calm enough to ask the auntie what the hell did she do to my hair. She explained that my hair wasnt really dried yet, so it looked like i just had really dark hair with GOLD HIGHLIGHTS. Man, that scared the shit outta me. So finally when my glorious locks were dried and pampered, the colour turned out MARVELLOUS! I like!

I left after some touch up to my eye make-up. I didnt head over to MJ's place because she was giving me attitude all day and who the fuck cares if she's the fucking Queen or not?
Instead I went over to Cyn's where i spent the rest of the afternoon and evening watching VCDs and eating home-cooked spagetti.

I'ma happy girl. Till my sentence day comes that is.

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