Friday, August 18, 2006


(A is for age?:)::

(B is for beer of choice?:)::
Corona or Asahi.

(C is for career:)::
Event planner/ Someiler (someone who has a vast knowledge of wines)

(D is for your dog's name:)::
No dog. Got pigs. Can?

(E is for essential item you use everyday:)::
Lighter/ Zippo.

(F is for favorite song at the moment:)::
Benny Benassi's Satisfaction.

(G is for favorite games:)::
Hide and seek.

(H is for hometown:)::
Yishun. I dun stay in the armpit of Singapore.

(I is for instruments you play:)::
I've got fat fingers. Play what.

(J is for favorite juice?:)::
Orange/ Apple/ Grape.

(K is for kids?:)::
As long as they are cute, cuddly and dun cry. They're fine.

(L is for last hug?:)::

(M is for marriage:)::
Its been predicted that i'll get married in my late 20s.

(N is for name of your crush:)::
Han aka Sung Kang in Tokyo Drift. Fucking Hot.

(O is for overnight camping stays:)::
Leadership camps!

(P is for phobias:)::
Cockroaches and prawns and their eyes. GROSS.

(Q is for quote)::
Live life the way you want to.

(R is for biggest regret:)::
Wasting time.

(S is for status:)::
Single and depressed. Dun touch me.

(T is for time you wake up:)::
630 when i need to go to school. Other then that its anytime.

(U is for underwear:)::
Yes, i do wear undies.

(V is for vegetable you love:)::
Sadly, its any vegetable except for bittergourd and some other random ones.

(W is for worst habit:)::
Getting annoyed easily.

(X is for x-rays you've had:)::
Countless. For braces and whatnot.

(Y is for yummy food you make:)::
I make good brownies. YES I DO.

(Z is for zodiac:)::

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