Five minutes later.....
I fell on the rain spattered footpath.
Best of all, Szemin's face was a classic. She gave me a look of horror while i knelt there in the pavement and laughed.
Yes, i laughed.
And her designer bag got wet because i was carrying it and my hands were in a puddle. I felt kinda sorry for her bag, because i liked it alot and it cost her near $200 and i
We went into Cathay to dry off and walk the rest of the way to Paradiz. Then Szemin decided to make me laugh. Have you ever experienced lift doors closing on you? And theres another person wanting to come in but the doors are sliding shut and the person just freezes there and stuns?
Sze min is one retarded being.
I walked into the lift first and some woman was pressing the Door Open button, but apparently she decided to let go and talk on her mobile. I was facing the other way and i didnt notice that Szemin wasnt in the lift yet. Then i heard, "EHHHHHHHH!" So i turned to look at the commotion.
I saw Szemins' astonished face with her arms stretched out in front of her while the doors are sliding shut and she isnt even in the lift yet. I hurriedly reached for the Door Open button and the doors slid open and Szemin got in. Then i proceed to laugh at her and her actions.
So i asked her,
Me: "Why couldnt you have pressed the button for the lift?"
SM: "I didnt think of it."
It was superbly funny really.
I cannot stand her sometimes, make me laugh till like that. And the reason why i was at the studio today was because Ms Szemin decided to have a panic attack on her tattoo's scabbing and insist that i come along with her to see Jo, just to ask if her tattoo is okay.
And she just refuses to listen to me, someone who has seven tattoos and multiple piercings. No matter how many times i told her that her tattoo is fine, she just panicks more. So we went all the way to Jo's just to hear him say that her tattoo is fine and its scabbing well.
Silly silly Szemin. Bimbo please.
Anyway, i went down for MOS's interview today. So thus, i am very pleased to announced that i'm officially part of MOS as of today. =)
Basically, the interviewer only asked one question. "When can you start work?" And then you had to fill up some forms and that was it. I went for full-time because i want to dedicate my three months of freedom to my job so that i can get a promotion faster. Apparently, their system of promoting is not really structured yet. So its easier to get promoted if you're working there.
But, the thing is that what i'm being paid currently matches only half of what i get back at Altivo.
I shall make do with it for now. Anyway, theres nothing i can do about it. =)
I hate my hair now. The salon i went to screwed up my purple highlights. Instead of purple highlights, its copper red highlights. I feel and look like a chao ah lian now.
sHo eUu nOrT hApPiiEe nOwXzXsZx rIgHtZxZxS. gO cOmPlAiiN lAh. ii dUnCh cArE aBoUt wHaT eUu sAe.