Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Having been in this line for, at last count, nearly five years. I've seen many things that normal girls my age would never see. This line is ugly, superficial and money based.

I swear.

Everything is all about looks and if you're "cute" like me, you can kiss this career goodbye if you dun have my kind of mentality. I guess after so long, co-workers have learnt that i'm not the "vase" and that i can do almost the same or even better than them.

I dun know.

Its how i was trained to work. I was trained to surpass others and there is no other alternative. In theory, it'll be if you can't beat them then join them kinda thing. I've watched and learnt from some of the best and the worst. I've done things that i never knew i could do. But this is the line where i learnt how to wear a mask. I've learnt that if you're a skinny, okay looking girl, you'll get all the benefits in the world. I'm not like that, in fact, i look nowhere near skinny.

I've watched skinny polesticks get their way by being just alittle bit whinier. I've seen them shift blame, and i really hate it. Sorry, for being meatier than them bitches.

Then again, this is a superficial industry. And i'm right smack in the middle of it.

I really cannot count the amount of times i was called fat by fellow colleagues, managers etc. It doesnt affect me anymore though. But still, leave the weight alone. I know i am a man-girl, but dun carry it too far, you might kena slap one day, by that man-girl.

Okay, i'll edit this later. Now i got no mood.

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