I've taken this 2B course for like eons already, stopping for months at a time for work and whatnot. Then now that i'm back at school, i decide to follow up and go for TP, of which the first Tp i failed.
Freaking 32 points.
All the most nonsense points that is avaliable, all i kena.
I was so depressed, that i cooped myself up at home for the whole day. Not even bothering to answer my phone or msn. It was the worst feeling i could ever feel, and i swore i would never feel like that again.
On this 21st May 2009, i went for my second TP. I made stupid mistakes like, forgetting to signal,delay in moving off and even letting my leg touch the ground.
I was so pissed off that i felt like chopping off my leg and fingers.
Its like any of these small mistakes can contribute to my failure. Plus, the leg on the ground thing constitutes to a immediate failure.
I was one worried dog.
I called Adam to whine for half an hour, then i went up to wait for results. It was the bloody Tension room all over again. The TP came in and called alot of random numbers. But not one was close to my set of numbers. I was freaking out big time.
Then all the TPs left, and i got confused because they didnt call out my number at all! Then how now brown cow!
Then the instructor started reading out numbers, with no link at all. When he was done, he said, "the numbers that i just called, you passed!"
The whole room erupted.
I swear, in one go, all the tension was lost.
I passed, with 16 points.
I feel like i'm at the top of the world right now.
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