Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Chinese Os.

Chinese Os was pretty alright i must say. I thought it was gonna be freakishly hard like what Mdm Ho gives us for Mid-years. For the first time in my life, i CAN DO CHINESE! YIPPIEEE!! So i came to school late okay. I came at like 8.20am, when the paper starts at 8.30am. I was smoking my way to school, thats why i came at 820. The cig like refused to end please. I got into the hall and i panicked for like five minutes because i couldnt find my seat. Shaiful was trying to help me also, by anyhow bombing and asking me if that was my seat when it wasnt. I ended up at the back of the hall where Koon Beng was in front of me and Junan was behind me. Oh what fun i must say.

Paper 1 was alright i guess. I was the only one who did the informal letter and some weird question on if i would move out of singapore and migrate. Oh well, if i lose this one, theres always the next round. Pray hard that i'll get at least a B4 okay.

Paper 2 was fucked easy. Even i can read the questions, so thats saying something. I was fiaking tired throughout the paper. I think its because i only slept for like 30mins the night before. I chiong-ed thru the whole paper and i literally died on my table. I only woke up when all the papers were collected. So thats the end of my chinese Os.

I called Mel after my paper and talked to him. He made me mad and i wasnt feeling myself when i was talking to him. I teared, and somehow he knew. So he told me to go to sleep and to sms him when i woke up. I died on the sofa then i transferred to my bed to sleep. I woke up in the evening, replied afw msges and ignored afew calls. Then i fell back asleep and i woke up a 12am. Then i talked to Mel again. He's threatening me, that if i dun go and sleep now, he will not talk or sms me for the next two weeks. So i have to go. I guess Mel's the only person i listen to lah. He's also the only person that bullies me and gets away with it.

Lovelove Mel.

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