Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blackjack emo.

I watched Fearless on Monday and i swear by escargots (snails) that its fucking nice. So please go and catch it.


I kept losing in Mdm Tan's house, must be the fengshui of the house man. It clashes with my Eight Characters. WTH.

Lose like mad already then we decided to leave. We ended up at Janice's to play with her sister's friends. They were such disgruntled losers please. Its never mind that they were childish asses in the first place. But cheating at Blackjack? OH PLEASE. If money is a problem then sit the entire fucking game out. I can assure you that your capital will never decrease.

Shuxin kept winning like mad. I cannot take it.

We played the whole night through and ended up not going for school. (I didnt mean to rhyme. No pun intended.) Then i started winning at like 5am.

The funny part of the whole thing was that this guy who was playing with us, lets call him Red. Red had like two 7 cards. He was happily waiting for his turn to draw another card and hopefully get another 7. Then Jini's turn was before his and she DREW THE NO. 7 CARD.


Red cannot take it. He punched the sofa like mad to vent his frustration. So needless to say that he lost lah. Super funny please.

Then the next round i got an Ace for my first card. Red also got a Ace. Then my second card came and i got a 10, so automatically a BLACKJACK. He happily also thought he's also getting a 10. Then he got a 9. He looked as if he ate 5 very sour lemons at one go after that. He the whole night kept losing money to everybody.

His expressions are fucking funny please.

Personal note:
I feel as if nobody cares about whether i live or die. Everyone's too "busy" emo-ing away to bother if i turn 18 or not. Nobody gonna come for my chalet. I dun even know why i bother so much to throw a celebration for myself and treat everyone that i know. I dun even know why i bother rushing around a planning stuff when nobody will appreciate it. I dun even know why i'm gonna spent 1k on people who act as if i dun exist. Well, fuck it. Come for my chalet if you wanna. Details in the previous post. Sms/ call/tag me to confirm your food.

Have you ever:

Had an alter ego: I never knew about my alter ego, i think its a HER.

If so, what was his/her name: Ziona.

Fainted: OMGWAD. I'll rmb it for the rest of my life.

Had a crush on a teacher: No. Never.

Had surgery: Wearing braces IS SURGERY.

Been close to death: How close is close?

Been in a car accident: No, but i hope to be. Life too short to not have fun.

Hallucinated: Yeah, and i'm not telling what.

Said I love you and not meant it: No, such sacred three words.

Taught a little kid a curse word: I think so, indirectly that is.

Let go of someone and wished you hadnt: Yeah, as long as he's happy.

Liked someone way older than you are: Yeah. 8years older.

Liked someone way younger than you: Ick, i dun have a thing for kids.

Talked to yourself: Whenever i have to do Accounts.

Talked to a stuffed animal: Yeah, its theraputic.

Danced in public: Yes, and you dun want to know about it.


Cried because you missed someone: Yeah.

Done the chicken dance: Yeah, for the fun of it.

Given a lap dance: Not telling.

Fell off a chair: Oh hell, that was funny.

Written on a mirror: Yeah, with lipstick.

If so, what did you write: For me to know and for you to find out.

Pretended not to care about someone when you really do: Yeah, oh so many times.

Deliberately hurt a friend: I dun know man, i'm pretty sacarstic.

Broken down in front of someone: Yeah. How many times please.

Had a food fight: THe biggest mess i made with food i tell you.

Had one of those romantic moments like you see in movies: NEVER.

Hated yourself: Sometimes. But i love myself more then ever now.


Song that was stuck in your head: Mr Vegas- Tamale. Clubbing song.

Person you were thinking of: Tangy. She has so many self obessessed pictures.

Time you cried: Just now. Because of some reason.

Person you hugged: Cheewee and William. =)

Thing you searched for on Google: The picture of a black ipod nano.

Person you rode in a car with: Bedah. Cabbed.

Person who told you they loved you: I cannot remember.

Time you laughed: 12am.

Jumped on a bed: When i wanted to sleep at 8am in the morning.

Time you were burned: Last year, -mutters- stupid oil lamps at altivo.

Time you bled: Yesterday, nose bleed.

Movie you watched: FEARLESS! FUCKING NICE.

Do youThink about suicide: Alot.

Believe in online dating: When i'm bored.

like cleaning: nothing.

like roller coasters: HELL YEAH! put me on the longest one ever!

Believe in forgiveness: Yeah, move on after that.

Believe in karma: Yes, attempt to climb on top of me and i swear you'll live to regret it.

Have any bad habits: Yes.

Believe in ghosts: Yes, because the dead share our world.

Believe in fate: I believe in making fate.

Have any birthmarks: No.

Always want what you cant have: I want alot of things. Check out the left section. Under "Wants"

Have any allergies: To the smell of ciggarettes and to dust. Plus annoying people.

Type really fast: Sometimes.

Prefer short talk or deep conversation: Deep convo. That way, you can fathom how the person thinks.

Daydream: Never. Waste of time.

Use big words to sound smart: Pretty much.

See dead people: Yeah. Thanks to Sec3 camp.

Sing in the shower: I sing like no tmr.

Like your life: I find that its alright, but can be improved.

Do you think you could share your heart with someone completely: Never. People cannot be trusted.

Number of:

Scars on your body: Never bothered to count.

Drugs taken illegally: Nope.

Close friends: Some. Like Bedah and Tangy.

Who/whatWas the happiest time of your life: Ask me in heaven.

Person you wish you could see right now: J_____.

Your worst enemy: Myself.

What do u want done with your body when you die: I want to be frozen with Liquid Nitrogen and preserved to be given to a museum. Check out my tattoos!

WhatIs your first unhappy memory: Ask my alter ego. She might remember.

Is the first thing you wash in the shower: Hair.

Your biggest turn on: How to climb the corporate/acadamic/ whatever ladder faster.

Biggest turn off: Useless people who only know how to talk cock and display themselves.

What is your weakness: Relationships.

What do you think about before you fall asleep: Walau eh! i'm super tired.

Annoys you more than anything: Annoying people.

What is the highest thing you've ever jumped off and not hurt yourself: Mt faber? HAH! NO.

What is the saddest moment of your life: Ask me in heaven also.

What confuses you most about life: How it comes back and smacks you in the face.

What is one thing you regret: Not studying harder in primary school and making it to RGS.

What's the worst feeling in the world: Not being able to say what you want to someone in time.

What movie do you watch over and over: I dunno.

What are you wearing? Clothes?

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