Friday, December 09, 2011


Never understood why people borrow money and take eons to return it.

Its so bloody fucking frustrating.

And they are running on ZERO automated response. Cannot be bloody bothered if they can or cannot return the sum.

WAH. *stabs self*

I hate the nonchalant way that they are when it comes to squaring the debt. I'm not having it any easier by being the collecter either.

"Sorry sorry, i forgot."
"Oh, i dun have it yet."
"Can pay by installment?"

What the heck you people take me for? A bloody bank?! I dun even charge any bloody interest!

"Sorry, i was busy."

Oh, so you busy then i not busy? I'm busy trying to make you fucking cough up the loan without making things feel "strained" in the friendship!?

That is it. I will N E V E R ever lend anybody money again.

No money? Dun buy or just hide under your blanket.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


To tell everyone that i am happy where i am now is just a blatant lie.

I'm not happy.

In fact, i no longer want to be just a staff. I want to be someone up there. I want to command my own team, my own bar.

I want to beat you, because you burned me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


So fucking pissed off early in the morning.

Having mini black-outs, can feel my brain having spasms.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All the same.

First it was 3rd September, now its 25th January.

I've had my heart broken so many times. I sound like a whiny bitch, i know. But this time round its very different.

He was everything that i asked for. Patient, understanding, has abit of humour, some arrogance. The one that i had hopes for. 18 months i spent, waiting and waiting, yet nothing came out of the 18 months.

Everytime i look at Shrek i see you.

As i rode down BKE, i was bawling my eyes out. Vision started to blur, i didn't know where i was going, even though i had a destination. My heart was broken by you, the very sight of you holding her hand.

I hate the fact that you are constantly on my mind, no matter what i do. Even the bus stop at Newton brought you back to my mind. I skipped traffic lights while riding, because my vision was too fucked to see anything beyond 20m.

I hate you.

You caused me agony, pain, hurt, frustration, disorientation, loss, anger and sorrow.

I just want to go into a hole, curl up and cry till my eyeballs turn purple. I have that much pain. I gave you my world, just like how i gave every other person i had feelings for. You crushed that world, the same like all the rest.


I hate all of you. I hate myself.

Just let me die.
Just let me die.

Let the pain flow. Drown me with my own tears.

Cry till the world ends.