Saturday, June 26, 2004
dry run at the reservoir.
reported to school at 2 today. and thanks to vik and wan, they both bashed my ankle with their skateboards. and kugan forgot the walkies. reached MR and stayed there for not more then an hour. went back to school after that. ate with jena and the rest. laughed my guts out please. wan is oh so good at mimicking other people's expressions.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Camp LAst Day
i got the Most Passionate Award. and i didnt even hear my name being called out. =) and i got my Specially For envelope. and i had a whole LOT of messages. made me so happy please.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Monday, June 21, 2004
YLDP Camp Day1
woke up staRtLeD..woKe fiZ up at 5.30aM..deN weNt baCk to sLeep..deaR mooNfaCe reaCheD my hSe at life..sHe caLLeD me..n i waS lyk wtf??!!diN xpeCt heR to reaCh foR aNotheR 5minx..oR betta..duN cuM at aLL..heex..deN toLd heR to cuM up my hSe..n sHe staRteD WHINING AGAIN!!!!aRgh..deN huRRieD to let heR iNto my hSe..sHut heR iN my rooM..iN caSe..sHe getS it iNto heR heaD to staRt a paRty iN my hSe..heex..deN batheD..*aaahhh*deN waLkeD iNto my rooM..woRe my seo sHiRt..deN me n wuiZ set off foR sCh..piCkeD jeNa aLoNg da sCh~~waLkeD iN to fiNd kC wif 4 tiNx of biScuitS..n a toN of bagS..n i'M stuCk beiNg [S4]deN me n wuiZ..weNt to get suM logiStiCs stuff..deN we weRe moviNg tabLex at 6.40aM??maD siaL..deN gt da iNstRuCtoRx to cHeCk out da stuff..i coNcuSs aR..i waS lyk da queeN of sCiSsoRx, no maRkeRx, no maSkiNg deRe waS no louDhaiLeRx..soooo aiNt no waD fReaKiNg eVeNt???deN i waS lyK daMn stReSseD..n jh haD to kiP oN caLmiNg me dwN..deN noboDy heLpeD me..LogiStiCs waS pRaCtiCaLLy a oNe-maN sHoW..deN gt reaLLi feD uP..deN juX soRta sLaMneD da laBBy n pRojeCtoR oN da cHaiR..deN weNt to sit dwN..waS reaLLi piSseD..deN cuDn taKe it..staRteD cRyiNg..deN reLateD da eNtiRe tiNg to eVeRyoNe..n i waS cRyiNg n laffiNg at da saMe tyM..deN weNt oN wif aLL da wRkShpx..deN at nite..we weRe aLL gatheReD at da MRL..n we weRe toLd tat dey weRe goNNa reVeaL da noMiNieeS..foR x-co..xPeCteD to c my naMe deRe..buD wHoa!!!~~CHAIRPERSON??waD gay??deN eVeRyoNe waS lyk cHeeRiNg foR me..da poSitioNx:foR cHaiR- [eMeRaLd]-weijie n joCeLyN[JaspeR]- joaNNa n aqiLah[gaRnet]- me n keViN[OpaL]-noboDyfoR eCM- [eMeRaLd]- nigeL[JaspeR]- roxaNNe[gaRnet]- kugaN[OpaL]- kaRLfoR seCRetaRy- [eMeRaLd]- eMiLy n xiaohui[JaspeR]- ??[gaRnet]- sHaRoN n fatiN[OpaL]- gHaZfoR weLfaRe- [eMeRaLd]- niSha[JaspeR]- kiM choo[gaRnet]- ayiN[OpaL]- zi yoNgfoR LiaSoNs- [eMeRaLd]- weiReN[JaSpeR]-hafiZ[gaRnet]- joShua[oPaL]- dunnofoR puBLicity- [eMeRaLd]- ??[JaspeR]- veNa[gaRnet]- ??[OpaL]- miKhaiLdatS aLL i reMeMbeReD..deN haD to get da ppL settLeD..n do da cLaSs repx tiNg..diD aLL of dat..deN cuD go n waSh up..buD sHawNie waNteD to taLk to uS..he aSkeD uS..y sHd da ppL vote foR u..i juX aNihoW gif aN iMpRoMtu sPeeCh..deN cuD go waSh uP..n go foR debRief..deN diN sLeep da eNtiRe nite..aSkeD sHawN y he diN piCk haiRy..deN da aNs i gt waS reaLLi saDDeNiNg..deN waS siNgiNg aLot of soNgx..tiLL jh caLLeD n aSkeD me to sHut uP..waS huggiNg my pig..tiLL moRNiNg..
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